Course Registration Form

Basic PCB Design Course using PADS VX

Date Upon Request
Course Name Basic PCB Design Course using PADS VX
No. of Days 3
Min Pax 3
Base Price $3488
Grant Information
Course Brochure Click here
Additional Information


**This course is highly customisable, contact us for a tailor-made training!


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Group Discount

A group discount will be awarded if a group of 3 or more participants register. The fees will be lowered to $2700 per pax.



Course dates may be subject to change. 

Prices are subjected to GST.

In this modern-day world of technology, electronic products have become an integral part of our lives. From entertainment to communication, we all rely on electronic devices to perform everyday tasks. But this wouldn’t be possible without PCBs.

PCB layout designers face an issue of not being able to place component properly for EMI, Mechanical and Assembly purposes as many are unaware of the different shortcut keys that can be used to easily navigate the PADS environment. In addition, they lack the knowledge to check for errors according to DFT and DFM standards.

In this PCB Design course, you will learn the basic design flow process and find out how schematic changes affect layout. Gain hands-on experience by performing actual layout procedures such as schematic creation, footprint creation, placement and routing and Gerber creation using Mentor Graphics PADS VX Standard. You will be exposed to the new constraint editor system that is being introduced in PADS VX. With a better understanding of the basic IPC standards regarding proper layout practices and requirements, you will be able to design high quality and reliable PCBs.

Watch Introductory Video:


    Individual registration or contact person for group registration

  • company information

  • SMEs are defined to include enterprise whose annual sales turnover does not exceed S$100 million or does not employ more than 200 workers.




If the contact person is participating in the course, his/her details should also be inserted below

  • participant 1

  • Not required for online & onsite classes

Contact us

Address :
Wizlogix Pte Ltd
16 Jalan Kilang (Off Jalan Bukit Merah)
Hoi Hup Building
Singapore 159416 (view map)




Wizlogix respects our clients’ privacy and strictly adheres to the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) of Singapore.



  • Subtotal
  • Group Discount
    - $0
  • GST (9%)

  • Total
  • I confirm that I have read and understood the Terms of Use.
You can reach us at:

16 Jalan Kilang
(off Jalan Bukit Merah)
#03-05 Hoi Hup Building
Singapore 159416