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About MindShare Inc

MindShare has over 25 years' experience in conducting technical training on cutting-edge technologies based in United States. Being the Authors of the technical books, the trainers have lots of practical and theoretical experiences. It's a great opportunity to engage in "MindShare Experience" in Singapore.

Enjoy the Express Learning with Us
Proven to shorten self-learning duration from 3 - 4 months process; to just 3 - 4 days with live question and answer through our training course.

Added Values
After-training Technical Support will be provided to students via email on the topics attended.


Registration form


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MindShare's PCI Express System Architecture course starts with a high-level view of the design to provide the big-picture context and then drills down into the details for each part of the design, providing a thorough understanding of the hardware and software protocols.

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The third generation of USB increases transfer rates to 5.0Gbits/s (SuperSpeed) and includes backward compatibility with all earlier USB 1.1/2.0 Low-Speed, Full-Speed, and High-Speed peripherals and hubs. USB 3.0 SuperSpeed protocol
also brings significant enhancements in the areas of device and
system power conservation, error handling, and data flow control.

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Our latest two-day course, brought to you by Mindshare, reveals the most modern, advanced and powerful computer memory system around, providing you with in-depth knowledge of DRAM architecture and design. You will take away a deep understanding of ultra-dense, high-speed DDR2/DDR3 technology as well as practical experience about how to design a DRAM memory channel on a system board.