Safety was the buzzword of the day at the highly anticipated NASA Master
Class titled Mission Success First: Safety Always. Held from 5–6 August
2019 at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, the event saw NASA
veterans and aerospace gurus Mr Larry Ross and Mr Joe Nieberding sharing
their experience and knowledge in safety protocol. Besides learning key
lessons in aerospace safety, attendees analysed past launching missions
and detailed case histories of previous mishaps and ways to prevent
them. The NASA Master Class was a rousing success that saw 41
participants in attendance.
The focus on safety continued on 7 August 2019 at the AEA half-day
seminar where 20 participants gathered to discover how design impacts
safety. Led once again by Mr Ross and Mr Nieberding, attendees spent an
interesting morning hearing about past design failures and learning what
works and what doesn’t. At the end of the seminar, participants walked
away with a deeper knowledge of the link between safety and design and a
better understanding of how to always put safety first.