Course Registration Form

RF and High Speed Board Design: Fundamentals and Practice

Date Upon Request
Course Name RF and High Speed Board Design: Fundamentals and Practice
No. of Days 3
Min Pax 6
Base Price $2800
Grant Information
Course Brochure Click here
Additional Information

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Group Discount

A group discount will be awarded if a group of 3 or more participants register. The fees will be lowered to $2,600 per pax.



Course dates may be subject to change.

Prices are subjected to GST.

RF boards have gained a reputation for being mysterious. They require additional tuning, as simulation tools and models are unable to accurately deliver an operational board after fabrication during tuning. This course will introduce the techniques needed for RF and high-speed digital board design.

By building from a foundation of RF fundamentals, participants will be able to develop an understanding of both the components attached to the board and the interconnection between them. It is necessary to have thought through potential issues before embarking on the design and to have the right access on the board to debug such issues. Approaches to characterization, testing, and debug will be covered in the course, allowing the student to plan for board bring-up. Above all, any board design must go through a thorough design review process. Students successfully complete this course will be able to undertake all the stages of a successful board design and successful board bring-up.


    Individual registration or contact person for group registration

  • company information

  • SMEs are defined to include enterprise whose annual sales turnover does not exceed S$100 million or does not employ more than 200 workers.




If the contact person is participating in the course, his/her details should also be inserted below

  • participant 1

  • Not required for online & onsite classes

Contact us

Address :
Wizlogix Pte Ltd
16 Jalan Kilang (Off Jalan Bukit Merah)
Hoi Hup Building
Singapore 159416 (view map)




Wizlogix respects our clients’ privacy and strictly adheres to the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) of Singapore.



  • Subtotal
  • Group Discount
    - $0
  • GST (9%)

  • Total
  • I confirm that I have read and understood the Terms of Use.
You can reach us at:

16 Jalan Kilang
(off Jalan Bukit Merah)
#03-05 Hoi Hup Building
Singapore 159416